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Game of Thrones – nu kan du se hur det gick!

"Come and see." And I saw. And behold, a white horse...

Av / 2019-05-20 - 10:44
Game of Thrones – nu kan du se hur det gick!

Väntan är äntligen över, sista avsnittet av den sista säsongen av Game of Thrones ligger ute!

Det är bara att bänka sig framför TV:n med öl och popcorn och invänta rysningarna längs ryggraden: ”I looked, and behold: a pale horse. And his name, that sat on him, was Death. And Hell followed with him”:

And I heard, as it were, the noise of thunder: one of the four beasts saying: «Come and see.» And I saw. And behold, a white horse.

There’s a man goin’ ’round takin’ names.
And he decides who to free and who to blame.
Everybody won’t be treated all the same.
There’ll be a golden ladder reaching down.
When the man comes around.


The hairs on your arm will stand up
At the terror in each sip and in each sup.
Will you partake of that last offered cup
Or disappear into the potter’s ground
When the man comes around?

Hear the trumpets, hear the pipers.
One hundred million angels singin’.
Multitudes are marching to the big kettle drum.
Voices callin’, voices cryin’.
Some are born and some are dyin’.
It’s Alpha and Omega’s Kingdom come.

And the whirlwind is in the thorn tree.
The virgins are all trimming their wicks.
The whirlwind is in the thorn tree.
It’s hard for thee to kick against the pricks.

‘Til Armageddon, no Shalam, no Shalom.
Then the father hen will call his chickens home.
The wise men will bow down before the throne.
And at his feet they’ll cast their golden crowns
When the man comes around.

Whoever is unjust, let him be unjust still.
Whoever is righteous, let him be righteous still.
Whoever is filthy, let him be filthy still.
Listen to the words long-written down,
When the man comes around.

Hear the trumpets, hear the pipers.
One hundred million angels singin’.
Multitudes are marchin’ to the big kettle drum.
Voices callin’, voices cryin’.
Some are born and some are dyin’.
It’s Alpha and Omega’s Kingdom come.

And the whirlwind is in the thorn tree.
The virgins are all trimming their wicks.
The whirlwind is in the thorn tree.
It’s hard for thee to kick against the pricks.

In measured hundredweight and penny pound
When the man comes around.

And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts, and I looked and behold: a pale horse. And his name, that sat on him, was Death. And Hell followed with him.

– Johnny Cash, «The Man Comes Around»

Du har väl koll på allt som har hänt hittills? Här är våra recensioner av alla säsongerna:

Säsong 1
Säsong 2
Säsong 3
Säsong 4
Säsong 5
Säsong 6
Säsong 7


Här ser du sista avsnittet av Game of Thrones (S08E06).

Tor Aavatsmark
(f. 1974): Ljud & Bilds dedikerade filmrecensent och VD. Tor har arbetat på L&B sedan 2005. Under 2003–2005 ägde han och en partner ett tidningsförlag med bland annat en filmtidning i portföljen, ett intresse han har tagit med sig till L&B. Tor har en cand.polit-utbildning från UiO men känner sig väldigt hemma bakom ratten på ett medieföretag.

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